近日,公司熊艾伦副教授及其团队所撰写的论文——Will female managers support gender equality? The study of “Queen Bee” syndrome in China被Asian Journal of Social Psychology录用并发表。Asian Journal of Social Psychology是亚洲社会心理学会的旗舰期刊,于1998年创刊,目前属于JCR4区。收录出版社会心理学、一般心理学相关领域的学术论文。
Hans Westlund,瑞典皇家理工学院环境与城市规划系教授
This research aimed to study queen bee syndrome in China. Results from a nationwide survey (Chinese General Social Survey) revealed that female managers are less likely to defend the existing gender hierarchy. We also found that female managers are analogous to men in many other aspects, such as hobbies and values. Female managers adopt a mixed strategy to deal with social identity threats. Individual characteristics, such as educational attainments and the speed of career development, are significant predictors of queen bee traits. The results refute the claim that queen bees syndrome is common in the workplace. It is also important to note that different dimensions of queen bee syndrome are not always interrelated.